Managing Modern Government
This course looks at managing government through the lens of various organizational forms and managerial approaches. It will explore the intricacies of government partnerships with notable attention to private enterprise and civil society relationships. Finally, the course will critically analyze the role and behaviour of micro-level actors embedded in government such as the professional, ethnic minorities, and women.
Lectures and Readings
Blau, P.M. (1965) “The Comparative Study of Organizations”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review 18(3): 323-338.
Haveman, H. A. and Wetts, R. (2019) “Organizational Theory: From Classical Sociology to the 1970s”, Sociology Compass 13(3): e12627.
Hopfl, H.M. (2006) “Post-Bureaucracy and Weber’s ‘Modern’ Bureaucrat”, Journal of Organizational Change Management 19(1): 8-21.
Drechsler, W. (2020) “Good Bureaucracy: Max Weber and Public Administration Today”, Max Weber Studies 20(2): 219-224.
Etzioni, A. (1958) “Human Relations and the Foreman”, Pacific Sociological Review 1(1): 33-38.
Busse, R. and Warner, M. (2017) “The Legacy of the Hawthorne Experiments: A Critical Analysis of the Human Relations School of Thought”, History of Economic Ideas 25(2): 91-114.
Meyer, J.W. and B. Rowan (1977) “Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony”, American Journal of Sociology 83(2): 340-363.
DiMaggio, P. and W.W. Powell (1983) “The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational”, American Sociological Review 48(2): 147-160.
Hannan, M.T. and J. Freemand (1977) “The Population Ecology of Organizations”, American Journal of Sociology 82(5): 929-964.
Abbott, K.W., Green, J.F. and Keohane, R.O. (2016) “Organizational Ecology and Institutional Change in Global Governance”, International Organization 70(2): 247-277.
Rizopoulos, Y.A. and Sergakis, D.E. (2010) “MNEs and Policy Networks: Institutional Embeddedness and Strategic Choice”, Journal of World Business 45(3): 250-256.
Hasmath, R. and Hsu, J. (2007) “Big Business, NGOs and Labour Standards in Developing Nations: A Critical Reflection”, Asian Journal of Social Policy 3(1): 1-16. [audio paper: video and podcast]
Wang, H. Xiong, W., Wu, G. and Zhu, D. (2018) “Public-Private Partnership in Public Administration Discipline: A Literature Review”, Public Management Review 20(2): 293-316.
Keers, B.B.M. and van Fenema, P.C. (2018) “Managing Risks in Public-Private Partnership Formation Projects”, International Journal of Project Management 36(6): 861-875.
Gazley, B. and J.L. Brudney (2007) “The Purpose (and Peril) of Government Nonprofit Partnership”, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 36: 389-415.
Hasmath, R., Hildebrandt, T. and Hsu, J. (2019) “Conceptualizing Government-Organized Non-Governmental Organizations”, Journal of Civil Society 15(3): 267-284. [audio paper: video and podcast]
Hasmath, R. and Hsu, J. (2014) “Isomorphic Pressures, Epistemic Communities and State-NGO Collaboration in China”, The China Quarterly 220: 936-954. [audio paper: video and podcast] [public talk: video and podcast]
Hsu, J. and Hasmath, R. (2014) “The Local Corporatist State and NGO Relations in China”, Journal of Contemporary China 23(87): 516-534. [audio paper: video and podcast]
Mintrom, M. and P. Norman (2009) “Policy Entrepreneurship and Policy Change”, Policy Studies 37(4): 649-667.
Hasmath, R., Teets, J.C. and Lewis, O.A. (2019) “The Innovative Personality? Policymaking and Experimentation in an Authoritarian Bureaucracy”, Public Administration and Development 39(3): 154-162. [audio paper: video and podcast]
Leicht, K.T. and M.L. Fennell (1997) “The Changing Organizational Context of Professional Work”, Annual Review of Sociology 23: 215-231.
Svarre, T. and Lykke, M. (2014) “Professional E-Government Seeking Behaviour”, Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.
Hasmath, R. (2012) The Ethnic Penalty: Immigration, Education and the Labour Market. Burlington, VT and Surrey, UK: Ashgate (Routledge), Chapters Four and Five.
D’Agostino, M.J. (2014) “The Difference that Women Make: Government Performance and Women-Led Agencies”, Administration and Society 47(5): 532-548.
Taylor-Robinson, M.M. Bjarnegard, E., Hernandez, G., Robinson, F., Shockley, B. and Zetterberg, P. (2015) “Women in Government: An Experimental Study of Attitudes About Governing Ability”, Paper Presented at European Conference on Politics and Gender (Uppsala, Sweden).
Maffei, S. Leoni, F. and Villari, B. (2020) “Data-Driven Anticipatory Governance. Emerging Scenarios in Data for Policy Practices”, Policy Design and Practice 3(2): 123-134.
Hasmath, R., Ho. B. and Kay-Reid, S. (2024) “State Apologies and the Rehumanization of Refugees, Indigenous and Ethnic Minority Groups”, in Abu-Laban, Y., Frishkopf, M., Hasmath, R. and Kirova, A. (eds.) Resisting the Dehumanization of Refugees. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press. [public talk: video and podcast]